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The Technology Student Association (TSA) Achievement Program (Bronze, Silver, and Gold awards) is designed to motivate and recognize student members for high effort in a school's technology education program. The program is:

  • an opportunity for every TSA member to strive and receive recognition for accomplishments.

  • designed to encourage excellence in the areas of leadership development, understanding technology, school/community service, and career/personal planning.

  • planned so the highest awards acknowledge outstanding individual performance.


This noncompetitive, self-initiated program encourages students to develop appropriate attitudes and increase their knowledge and skills through involvement in technology education programs and activities.


The goals of the TSA Achievement Program are to:

  • inspire TSA members to attain the high goals and ideals of TSA.

  • promote active participation at the school, community, state, and national levels.

  • provide opportunities that assist students in making informed and meaningful career and educational choices.

  • develop leadership and team participation abilities.

  • recognize participation in technology education programs and TSA.


The TSA Achievement Program is composed of three levels of achievement: Bronze, Silver, and Gold. Each student begins at the Bronze level. When the required activities at the Bronze level are completed, s/he is eligible for the appropriate award and the opportunity to work toward achieving the Silver level. Eventually, s/he may work towards achieving the Gold level.


National TSA recommends working on the Achievement Program during a two-year period. It is suggested that students should strive to achieve the Bronze and Silver Awards in one school year, and the Gold Award during the following school year. This time frame is suggested to give the appropriate amount of time and effort to the projects/steps that are required to achieve each level and to maximize the learning experience.


Students who successfully complete the Activity Resume (including approval by the state advisor), will be recognized through the presentation of a bronze or silver pin through their state office at the State Leadership Conference. Those students who successfully complete the gold level will be recognized at the national conference.


The Technology Student Association Awards and Recognition Programs are designed to promote TSA and to recognize the individuals who do so. Please be sure to read the criteria complete forms carefully and provide required supplemental material. Click on the award titles for descriptions and forms.




The TSA Technology Honor Society recognizes TSA members who excel in academics, leadership, and service to their school and community.


The TSA Technology Honor Society is:

  • an opportunity for student members to be recognized for their efforts.

  • designed to recognize TSA members who exemplify the high ideals of academics.


The goals of the Technology Honor Society are:

  • To motivate TSA members to work to improve and maintain high academic marks.

  • To promote the undertaking of leadership roles in school and community organizations.

  • To promote participation in service activities that benefit a school or community.

  • To recognize student concern for chapter, school, and community.


There are two levels of the TSA Technology Honor Society – middle school and high school. Middle or junior high school TSA members may be selected in their 6th, 7th, 8th or 9th grade year, and high school TSA members may be selected in their 9th, 10th, 11th or 12th year. The selection procedure and requirements are the same for both levels.



For a student member of TSA to be inducted into the TSA Technology Honor Society, s/he must first meet a set of specified standards or requirements. These standards cover three areas: academics, leadership, and service. (Note: items used for the middle school level application may not be used again for the high school level application.) The requirements are as follows:


Maintain at least a 3.0 grade point average (GPA) based on a 4.0 grade point scale, or equivalent. Maintain a 3.0 grade point average (GPA) based on a 4.0 grade point scale or equivalent in technology education classes, if currently enrolled in such classes.


Hold at least one chapter, state, or national office, sufficiently fulfilling its duties for one full school year. Hold an office in an organization other than TSA. Attend at least one state and one national conference. Place within the top three in a state or national TSA competitive event. Be an active member of TSA in a currently affiliated chapter for at least one semester.


Participate in a service project that benefits the school. Participate in a service project that benefits the community. Serve on a chapter, state, or national committee. Give a presentation on TSA to an organization outside one's chapter (i.e., PTA school faculty, board of education, etc.).


TSA members inducted into the TSA Technology Honor Society are recognized at the national TSA conference for their achievements. They also receive a TSA Technology Honor Society lapel pin.



This form must be completed by a TSA student member. Photocopy these pages and attach typed answer pages. Be sure to include spaces on your answer pages for the appropriate signatures. Cover sheets and additional materials are not accepted. Send the completed application to your state advisor, who submits the names of state recipients to national TSA. Do not send completed applications to national TSA. Chapters may not receive this award two years in a row.


Chapter Involvement

  1. How often and where (inside or outside of class) does your chapter meet?

  2. What are your chapter's scholastic and educational activities? How are they incorporated into the daily technology education curriculum? (Examples: guest speakers, films, tours, parliamentary procedures, exhibits, etc.)

  3. What is your chapter's involvement at local, state, and national TSA conferences? (Be sure to include the number of students attending and entering competitive events, and awards and recognition earned.)

  4. Which of your chapter's activities dealt with inter-chapter participation? (Examples: cookout, hayride, skating party, talent night, banquet, etc.)


Chapter Fund Raising Projects

  1. List your chapter's fund raising projects and note the purpose for raising the money. (Examples: funding for travel to state and/or national conferences, a donation to the library fund, the purchase of new equipment for your technology education program, etc.)


Leadership Activities

  1. If your chapter has been involved in leadership development activities not previously mentioned, discuss each activity in the space provided below. (For example, assist other technology education programs to start a TSA chapter, participate in leadership conferences, etc.)

  2. What is your chapter's involvement with TSA alumni?


Maintain at least a 3.0 grade point average (GPA) based on a 4.0 grade point scale, or equivalent. Maintain a 3.0 grade point average (GPA) based on a 4.0 grade point scale or equivalent in technology education classes, if currently enrolled in such classes.



Hold at least one chapter, state, or national office, sufficiently fulfilling its duties for one full school year. Hold an office in an organization other than TSA. Attend at least one state and one national conference. Place within the top three in a state or national TSA competitive event. Be an active member of TSA in a currently affiliated chapter for at least one semester.



Participate in a service project that benefits the school. Participate in a service project that benefits the community. Serve on a chapter, state, or national committee. Give a presentation on TSA to an organization outside one's chapter (i.e., PTA school faculty, board of education, etc.).



TSA members inducted into the TSA Technology Honor Society are recognized at the national TSA conference for their achievements. They also receive a TSA Technology Honor Society lapel pin.



A $5 fee must be included with the Gold Achievement Award application and the Technology Honor Society award application in order for processing to proceed. These nominations are submitted online by the state TSA advisor.






Need to update and add forms

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