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Service  Hours Activities…


  • Track valuable information for scholarships, resumes, and job applications.

  • Enhances the support available to your Chapter at the local and state levels.

  • Teaches valuable work-place skills including organizing, tracking and reporting information.

  • Tracks incredible data that can be used to promote your program and support fundraising efforts

  • Essential to Montana’s ability to earn ongoing funding to provide program support.

  • Use the information to offer school awards.

Direct Service: Engaged in person-to-person contact with those in need (working with or teaching other people). Activities that require you to have personal contact with people.



  • Cook/serve/deliver food for a soup kitchen, shelter, or meals on-wheels program

  • Tutor, mentor, or coach younger students

  • Visit elders in a long term care facility

  • Read to the elderly or at a library

  • Volunteer in a shelter for the homeless

  • Teach workshops at a community center

  • Lead tours at a museum

  • Assist in a clinic or blood bank

  • Volunteer to work at your local Special Olympics program

  • Run errands for home-bound individuals or drive them where they need to go


Indirect Service: Meets a clear need but has benefits to the larger community. Your work behind the scenes to channel resources to the project rather than working directly with an individual who may need the service.



  • Community cleanup

  • Plan drug, violence, or disease prevention programs

  • Volunteer for disaster services

  • Assist with an environmental project

  • Participate in urban renewal projects such as mural or house painting

  • Build playgrounds, low-income housing

  • Fundraise for organizations or groups other than TSA

  • Create brochures, flyers, posters, or annual reports for a nonprofit organization


Advocacy Service: Allows students to lend their voices, writing ability, and other talents toward an issue in the public interest by creating social change through government or grassroots action.



  • Inform politicians and community members about pertinent issues

  • Work to change laws and regulations

  • Conduct information campaigns

  • Draft legislation that helps or protects the community

  • Lobby on behalf of a community issue

  • Conduct nonpartisan voter registration drives

  • Organize a nonpartisan letter writing campaign for a social issue


Leadership: Roles you serve in that support your TSA chapters programming. Any leadership resulting from service activities should be counted in the service category.



  • TSA officer training

  • Time spent performing TSA chapter officer duties

  • Committee work

  • Any TSA related leadership activity or event


Fundraising: Fundraising that support TSA chapter operations only. Fundraising for other organizations is indirect service.



  • Raffles

  • Concessions

  • Product sales


Work Experience: Work you do that builds your human capital and prepares you for a future career; this can be work for pay or unpaid.



  • Raffles

  • Job shadows

  • internships

  • Attending professional conferences

  • Entrepreneurship activity (including running a business)

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