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Alumni Affiliation
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The National TSA Alumni Association welcomes you. The purpose of this organization is to support and promote TSA activities and technology education on local, state and national levels through the involvement of former members, supporters and volunteers.  The National TSA Alumni Association is an affiliate of the Technology Student Association.  Whether you have just started college or your career is underway, by becoming a member of the National TSA Alumni Association you can network with TSA friends whom you worked with on competitive events, in leadership positions and in service projects during your middle and high school years.


Some things to know before you join the National TSA Alumni Association:


  • Your name, e-mail, and school information will be accessible via the web on the National TSA Alumni Association directory.

  • An electronic notice will be sent to you two weeks prior to when your membership renewal is due. However, if you have a five year or lifetime membership you will not receive this message.

  • If a zero appears when selecting your state delegation alumni association it means no alumni state dues are collected. 

  • You can be an alumni member of multiple state delegations, but you will need to complete an affiliation and profile form for each one.

  • Information provided in the volunteer section is for internal use only and will not be displayed publicly.


Becoming a member of the National TSA Alumni Association is a way for you to stay connected to TSA.  Your commitment helps build a foundation for the continuing success of the Technology Student Association. Get involved now and give back to the organization which gave you a great head start in your adult life.


Thank you for supporting TSA

Want to become an Alumni member?  Interested in getting get the association started?  Want to help with the State Leadership Conference?  Maybe you just have have question...  please take the time to contact us.

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